HVAC (Heating ventilation and air conditioning)

HVAC stands as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It is also known by the acronym HVACR (heating, ventilation and refrigeration).

HVAC systems play a vital role in homes, office buildings and other structures. They heat the air and cool it while ventilating and filtering pollutants.


Heating and cooling systems are only a part of an overall system to ensure you have a comfortable home all year long. Other aspects include ventilation and filtration to improve the quality of indoor atmosphere.

The systems are similar, despite slight differences. They all bring fresh outdoor air into the house through intake ducts. It is then passed through distribution ducts where it is heated or cooled before being pushed out the backdoor.

Heat pumps are able to heat and cool the home with one unit by using refrigerant. Furnaces or boilers use fossil fuels to heat the home. These include propane and natural gas. Furnace air handles circulate the hot or cooled air created by other HVAC unit throughout your house to reach every room at the desired temperature.


Your HVAC cooling component draws in fresh outside air and pushes that through ductwork, into various rooms of your building. It is often filtered to prevent pollutants or other contaminants entering the room. Newer ventilation system footprints are much smaller than traditional ducts. Ductless systems can be installed with only minor renovation.

Despite the fact that HVAC and air conditioning may be used interchangeably in many places, there are some distinct differences. A complete HVAC system provides full heating and air conditioning control, while an air conditioner can only cool a space. HVAC systems are powered by boilers and heat pumps, which can be powered from a variety energy sources. They then use ductwork to distribute the warmth generated in a given room.


Ventilation is "V" in HVAC. It provides fresh, clean air while removing stale, polluted or stale aer through cracks and gaps or mechanical means including ductwork and windows units.

Air conditioning is used to cool the air by evaporating a refrigerant at an outdoor condenser, and then blowing that air into the home through ductwork, vents or a duct. This improves the indoor air's quality by filtering dust, smoke, odors and allergens.

According to the climate and design of a home, systems can use heat pumps, air handlers or furnaces as their power source. Some homes are equipped with heat pumps, furnaces and air conditioners to absorb and transfer energy as well as cool the home.


A thermostat controls both heating systems and cooling systems. A thermostat is an automatic low-voltage device which adjusts the temperature automatically. It also filters air by reducing humidity in the rooms and improving indoor quality.

Failing thermostats can cause heating and cooling systems to be non-functional. This can lead to expensive repairs or replaces that need to be made immediately. It is always best to consult a professional to evaluate a thermostat, to avoid costly future repairs or replacements.

The traditional thermostat is a pair of metal strips that are bolted to each other and act as a connector in the electrical circuit for the heating system. As heat is absorbed into a room this strip bends. Once bent the current flows from this circuit to terminal G on thermostat board. This jumps across to the terminal Y/O to signal the condenser.

HVAC Bountiful



air conditioning replacement bountiful ut

air conditioning installation bountiful ut

HVAC stands as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It is also known by the acronym HVACR (heating, ventilation and refrigeration). HVAC systems play a vital role in homes, office buildings and other structures. They heat the air and cool it while ventilating and filtering pollutants. Heating Heating and cooling systems are only a part of…